The Price

The price had to be in coined money. If anything else than money was to be given, the transaction was an exchange. And the price had to be certain. A contract leaving the price to be determined by the buyer was void. But the price might be left to the determination of a third party, and if that party fixed the price, the contract was complete, but if he did not, there was no sale. Although the contract had to be for a price in money, the seller might afterwards accept goods for the price.

Mere inadequacy of price, in the absence of fraud, was no ground for rescission, but by constitution of the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian it was provided that when a thing was sold for less than half its value, the seller might recover the property unless the buyer would pay the full value. It is a disputed point whether a corresponding remedy was given to the buyer in case the price was more than double the value of the property.



Paterfamilias and Filiusfamilias

Commodatum (Loan for Use)