The Guardianship of Minors

With respect to legal capacity, minors were divided into three classes :

( 1 ) Persons who had not yet completed the seventh year. Such a child was an infans ("incapable of speech"), and was incapable of performing any juristic act whatever.

(2) Persons who had completed the seventh year but had not yet completed the twelfth year, in the case of females, or the fourteenth year, in the case of males. These were iuipuhes, the age of puberty being fixed at twelve for females and fourteen for males. The impubes were capable of some juristic acts, but were incapable of others.

(3) Persons above the age of puberty but who had not completed the twenty fifth year. These were called minors (minores viginti quinque annis).

There were two stages in the guardianship of minors cor- responding with the age of the minor. The guardianship of minors under the age of puberty was called tvJela impuherum, and that of minors above the age of puberty and under twenty-five was called cura minormn. A guardian of the first class was called a tutor, and a guardian of the second class was called a curator.



Paterfamilias and Filiusfamilias
