Rights and Duties of the Partners Inter Se

The contract of partnership being a bona fidei negotium, each partner was bound to do not only what he had agreed to do, such as to contribute to the common stock the property agreed, or to divide profits, but whatever else good faith required. He was entitled to reimbursement for all proper expenditures, and to be indemnified in respect of obligations incurred by him in the partnership business. He was liable to his copartner for fraud or wilful default, but he was not bound to show more diligence in the partnership business than he did in his private affairs, the reason for this being that if a man chooses as his partner a careless person he has no one to blame but himself.

Every partner had the actio pro socio against his copartners to enforce his rights in personam and the actio communi dividundo for a division of the partnership property. There was, however, a special benefit in favor of the defendant partner, that he could not be made to pay more than he could pay without being reduced to destitution beneficium competentia , a benefit which was not conceded to a partner who denied the existence of the partnership (Williams, 284; Sohm, 289).



Paterfamilias and Filiusfamilias

Commodatum (Loan for Use)