Legal Personality

The notion of complete legal personality was summed up in Roman law in the term caput (head). The caput involved the three elements of freedom, citizenship, and family rights. The legal personality was destroyed by the loss of any one or more of these elements. Any such loss was a change or reduction from one's former status and was called a capitis deminutio.

Of this there were three grades:

(1) Loss of liberty (capitis deminutio maxima) - this involved also loss of citizenship and family rights.

(2) Loss of citizenship (capitis deminutio media) - this involved loss of family rights but not of liberty.

(3) Loss of family rights (capitis demimitio minima) - this was the least reduction of status and did not affect either liberty or citizenship.



Paterfamilias and Filiusfamilias

Commodatum (Loan for Use)