Formal Manumission

There were three kinds of formal manumission:

  1. Manundssio per vindictam.
  2. Mamimissio censu.
  3. Mamimissio testamento.

Manundssio per vindictam. This was by a fictitious or collusive suit. The master, the slave, and a third person appeared before a magistrate (consul, pretor, proconsul, or president of a province), and the third person laid his rod (vindicta) on the slave and declared him to be free; the mas- ter also touching the slave with his rod admitted the claim and turned the slave around three times and let him go (whence, mamiimssion). The regular formalities of the procedure in jure cession were at first observed, but subsequently the formalities were dropped and all that was re- quired was the declaration before the magistrate by the master of his intention to free the slave.

Mamimissio censu. The enrollment of the slave on the census as a citizen with the master's consent made him free. The census was held only once in five years and only at Rome, and hence this mode could not have been of much practical use. During the Empire the census was practically obsolete.

Mamimissio testamento. A slave might be set free by his master's will.

Manumissio in Ecclesia. Constantine added a fourth mode by which the master declared in the presence of the bishop and congregation his desire to free the slave, and the slave thereby became free.



Paterfamilias and Filiusfamilias

Commodatum (Loan for Use)