Classification of Obligations

According to Justinian, the leading division of obligations was into two kinds - civil and praetorian. The civil obligations (civiles obligationcs) were those established by statute or at least recognized by the Jus Civile. The praetorian obligations were those established by the praetor in the exercise of his jurisdiction. The latter were also called honorary (honoria obligationes).

By another division, obligations were of four kinds - those arising from contract (ex contractu) or from quasi-contract, and from delict (ex delicto) or from quasi-delict.

Or, as we would say, obligations arose either from contract or quasi-contract, and from tort or quasi-tort. (Inst. III, 13, 1-2. See also Gaius, 3, 88).



Paterfamilias and Filiusfamilias

Commodatum (Loan for Use)