Changes by Justinian

By the time of Justinian the institution of adoption had lost most of its primitive character. The importance of the family tie, and of the legal personality of the individual paterfamilias had largely ceased to be regarded. There were no longer any sacred family rights to maintain.

Justinian radically changed the law as to the effect of adoption by enacting that the person adopted should not pass under the potestas of his adoptive father, but should remain in his own family, the only effect of the adoption being to give the adopted child the right of succession as a legitimate child of his adoptive father, without losing his rights of inheritance in his. old family.

The only case in which the adopted child passed under the potestas of the adoptive father was where the latter was the natural ascendant of the child. Justinian did not change the law as to the effect of arrogation.



Paterfamilias and Filiusfamilias

Commodatum (Loan for Use)